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This keyword will create a binary file containing the read in nuclear data. This keyword replicates the functionality of the compress_xs_endf tool, see Nuclear data I/O optimisation. The integer option, copt, determines path to where the binary file will be written:

  1. copt = 0. The binary is written to the path defined by the xs_endfb key in the FILES file. This path must include a file name, not simply point to a folder. If the xs_endfb key was not included in the FILES file the output is written as if copt = 1.
  2. copt = 1. The binary is written to <fileroot>.bin. Where <fileroot> is the name of the input (.i) file.

To overwirte an existing binary a user must include the CLOBBER keyword. To add the keyword within the control phase of the input file:

< -- Control phase -- >
* Title of the simulation
< -- Initial phase -- > 
< -- Inventory phase -- > 

COMPRESSXS by default stores the cross-sections, resonances and variance. To include covariance data in the produced binary a user should include the COVARIANCE keyword and if variance are desired to be excluded the NOERROR keyword can be used alongside COMPRESSXS.