The primary references for the FISPACT-II code are the user manual and the 2017 Nuclear Data Sheets paper:
The latest version (2023) of the FISPACT-II manual is available at: FISPACT_user_manual
The previous version of the FISPACT-II manual is available at: FISPACT_manual_old.
The latest version (2021) of the FISPACT-II API manual is available at:api_manual
FISPACT-II: An Advanced Simulation System for Activation, Transmutation and Material Modelling Nuclear Data Sheets 139 (2017) 77-137
Other publications are divided into the following sections with their own sub-pages:
These include the official verification and validation reports for FISPACT-II and the nuclear data libraries it employs. Special attention is given to the general-purpose TENDL libraries. The materials handbooks for a variety of systems are included with their supplemental reports including PKA spectra and other materials simulation input data.
A wide range of articles related to and including FISPACT-II are listed, which range from Nuclear Data Sheets to Fusion Engineering and Design and Nuclear Science and Engineering. These include the various methods papers, studies produced using FISPACT-II and other research into nuclear observables, materials and nuclear data.
A collection of presentations are available which include international meetings at national laboratories, international agencies and universities. There are also organisational presentations approved for external distribution and the materials from previous training workshops.