
FISPACT-II uses a suite of nuclear data libraries, including:

  • Groupwise cross section data [xs, with incident particles n,p,d,g,a,t,h]
  • Radioactive decay data [decay]
  • Fission yield data [fy (neutron-induced, spontaneous and non-neutron-induced)]
  • Self-shielding probability tables [pts]

A range of different evaluations are available to download for each of these data types, corresponding to recent releases of libraries from around the world. For each group cross section library, multiple temperatures may be available. Typically, these include 293 K, 600 K and 900 K, with associated self-shielding probability tables. In addition, multiple energy group discretisations are available for a selection of libraries, including the CCFE 709 and 162 groups, UKAEA 1102 and CASMO 586. The different sublibraries available are listed in the table below with download links. In some cases, packaged versions area also available, which provide, for example, complete sets of cross section data for a given nuclear data library; but these downloads are large and a user is advised, instead, to select only those sublibraries needed for the application of interest. For more data, or data in another format, please contact the developers.

  • We are excited to announce that the FISPACT-II nuclear data now links to OECD-NEA – this is under development
  • This is an exciting development, which we hope will increase the stability of the download page and bring new more complete data sets.

Library Description Download link
TENDL-2021 neutron, proton, deuteron, alpha and gamma -induced cross sections
and probability tables. Please redirect to the TENDL2021 page:
TENDL2021 download page
decay_2020 an updated general purpose decay data library decay2020.tar.bz2
TENDL-2019 neutron, proton, deuteron, alpha and gamma -induced cross sections
and probability tables. Please redirect to the TENDL2019 page
TENDL2019 download page
CENDL-3.2 1102 group neutron-induced cross sections
and probability tables at 294 K
ENDF/B-VIII.0 full library: xs (n), nfy, sfy, decay, pts ENDFB80data.tar.bz2
TENDL-2017 full library: xs (n,p,d,g,a,h,t), pts TENDL2017data.tar.bz2
TENDL-2015 full library: xs (n,p,d,g,a), pts TENDL2015data.tar.bz2
TENDL-2014 full library: xs (n,p,d,g,a), pts TENDL2014data.tar.bz2
GEFY-6.1 full library: Spontaneous fission yields and Neutron-induced fission yields GEFY61data.tar.bz2
GEFY-5.2 full library: Spontaneous fission yields and Neutron-induced fission yields GEFY52data.tar.bz2
GEFY-4.2 full library: Spontaneous fission yields and Neutron-induced fission yields GEFY42data.tar.bz2
ENDF/B-VII.1 full library: xs (n), nfy, sfy, decay, pts ENDFB71data.tar.bz2
JENDL-5.0 – now links to the NEA git full library: xs (n,a), nfy, sfy JENDL5data.tar.bz2
JENDL-5.0 decay data – now links to the NEA git decay library JENDL5dd.tar.bz2
JENDL-4.0 full library: xs (n,a), nfy, sfy, decay JENDL4data.tar.bz2
JEFF-3.3 full library: xs (n), nfy, sfy, decay, pts JEFF33data.tar.bz2
JEFF-3.2 full library: xs (n), nfy, sfy, decay JEFF32data.tar.bz2
EAF-2010 full library: xs, nfy, decay EAF2010data.tar.bz2
decay_2012 general purpose decay data decay.tar.bz2
HEIR-0.1 162 group high-energy proton-induced residual product cross sections HEIR-0.1
HEAD-2009 full library HEAD-2009
CENDL-3.1 709 group neutron-induced cross sections at 294 K gxs-709.tar.bz2
UKFY-4.2 Neutron-induced fission yields UKFY42data.tar.bz2
UKFY-4.1 fission yields: (p,d,a,g) UKFY41data.tar.bz2
ebins set of multi-group energy structures ebins.tar.bz2


Data download for SPECTRA-PKA

SPECTRA-PKA is a command-line driven programme for calculating the expected primary knock-on atom (PKA) spectra for a given target nuclide under neutron or charged particle irradiation. See the wiki for more details. SPECTRA-PKA uses NJOY-generated recoil cross section matrices. An evolving selection of databases produced using various international reaction cross section libraries (for various incident particle types) have been pre-calculated and are available to download as compressed tar archives from:

  • The download server of these files is currently being redeveloped. Currently, the link(s) below will redirect to a dropbox download page.

Library Sublibrary description Download link
TENDL-2015 neutron-induced PKA recoil matrices at 294 K download folder
TENDL-2017 neutron-induced PKA recoil matrices at 294 K download folder
TENDL-2017 alpha-induced PKA recoil matrices at 294 K download folder
TENDL-2017 proton-induced PKA recoil matrices at 294 K download folder
TENDL-2019 neutron-induced PKA recoil matrices at 294 K download folder
TENDL-2023 neutron-induced PKA recoil matrices at 294 K download folder
TENDL-2023 proton-induced PKA recoil matrices at 294 K download folder